Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Women's Suffrage in Europe in the Early 20th Century

After extensive research on a plethora of subjects regarding women's rights in various countries from the beginning of the 20th century to 1945, I have decided to specialize my topic in order to present a thorough and educating topic, instead of a broad overview. After discussion with my partners, I have decided to speak about women's suffrage in European countries. I have chosen to study suffrage within Europe because I found that the roots of women's suffrage really came out of Europe. Though women's suffrage movements occurred in many countries around the world, I will be specifically citing examples from certain European countries, such as Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, and Russia, since these countries represent many different tactics, on many different timeleines, to obtain suffrage for women. The reason I decided to study suffrage was because I found that in most of my reading regarding women's rights and feminism, suffrage was a main thread mentioned in many sources. The right to vote is also something that was not specific to women; non-land owning men and minorities also fought in the battle for the vote. For my presentation, I'm going to make a powerpoint presentation which covers the main stories regarding women's suffrage in Europe and use specific countries as examples. I hope to educate the class throughly and interestingly from my presentation.

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